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OSCP/CTF Scripts

In the spirit of giving back to the community, I'm sharing some simple bash scripts I wrote that make life easier and save time whether you are in the OSCP labs, HackTheBox or

Easy-HCX: Making Wifi Attacks Easy

Last year a new attack on WPA2 was announced by the creators of hashcat - one that didn't require capturing the 4-way handshake, any client interaction or any kind of client even connected.

Hack the Box Writeup: Irked

This was a pretty fun and straightforward little box and would be great practice for anyone studying for the OSCP. Nmap shows a few things running: > PORT      STATE SERVICE REASON         VERSION 22/tcp

No OpenVPN? No Problem!

Last year I was out of the country and wanted to check some things on my home network. I connected to the guest-only wifi network provided in the hotel lobby and was  thoroughly

Hack the Box Writeup: Vault

This was an awesome multi-layered machine that taught me a lot so I loved it! I'm sure there are easier, better and more efficient ways to complete this box but this is how

Geolocation of SSH Attacks

If you've ever looked at firewall logs on a public facing machine, you know that anything on the internet is constantly being probed and attacked - seeing hard evidence of this is enough